Tools for Grooming Your Cat at Home

Part 1 of Grooming Your Cat at Home: Tools!

In this video, I’ll cover the good, the bad and the ugly of what tools are appropriate for working on your cat’s coat at home.

Grooming Tool For Short-Haired Cats 🐈

✅ Zoom Groom Brush (

✅ Chris Christiensen Cat Comb ( or this is a less expensive version

Grooming Tools For Long-Haired Cats 💇‍♀️

✅ Greyhound Style Combs (this is the one I use, this is a less expensive version

✅ Face and Feet Combs (this is the one I use, this is a less expensive version

✅ Comb with Handle for Mat Removal (like this one

I Do NOT Recommend These Tools:

❌ Furminator - too harsh and can easily injury skin and coat

❌ Slicker or Wire Brushes - too harsh on delicate cat skin

❌ Pin Brushes or Natural Bristle Brushes - too gentle to be effective, ok for introducing touching and grooming to a skittish cat before moving on to better tools.

❌ De-Matting Rakes - this can easily cut or injure cats. Cat matting cannot be broken up and brushed out so these are not as efficient in addition to being dangerous.

❌ Mat Breakers - this is another term for de-matting rake, these have sharp edge and are designed to cut through hair (and skin, ouch!). Not appropriate for cats or home use.

❌ Scissors or letter openers - Please do not try to cut mats out! Mats can hide skin tucked up inside them and you can easily cut your cat’s skin requiring a vet visit.

Make sure to view the other videos in this series on how to use the tools on both short and long haired cats.


Grooming Short-Haired Cats at Home


How to Trim Cat Nails (2 Ways)